35 minute audio drama exploring a mother's power to change the world 

Eighty years between them, 1940 & 2020, two mothers live in very different times but share a profound challenge - how to find hope to act for their baby’s future. 

Margot does not know if her child will grow up under fascist rule. Ishbell worries about an uninhabitable planet. How can they navigate their fears, denial, hopes and dreams and find their own unique journey to living with no regrets?

After listening to A Mother's Voice, check out our free toolkit: A 20 minute guided session informed by the 'Active Hope' course, with beautiful prompt cards for solo journalling or group discussion. The guided session follows on from the play on the Apple or Spotify links below. There are also videos with captions/subtitles on Youtube.The cards are here.

Listen here:

Subtitled A Mother's Voice and Guided Session in English on YouTube


'A Mother's Voice' is written by Lily Lowe-Myers

Ishbell is played by Lily Lowe-Myers and Margot by Robyn Cooper. 

Directed by Tom MalcolmWright

Original music composed by Omar Shahryar,

Edited by Craig Busek

Sound design by Christopher Reidy

Original Image by Rahana Banana

'A Mother's Voice' is presented by Hatstand Productions in association with HearFirst Productions and Carbon Theatre.

The project is supported by the National Lottery Community Fund


For more information on the climate crisis and some actions you can take, a website we find useful is A Green Solution 

If you would like to find out about local mother groups wanting to take action in Leytonstone or Hackney please email amothersvoiceplay@gmail.com

Family friendly climate crisis protest actions with XR Families 

Therapists specialising in climate anxiety

Find your local Transition Group 

Brilliant free online Active Hope Training course

Really good reads:

All We Can Save,

From What Is to What If

Braiding Sweetgrass

Podcast: How to Save a Planet

Videos - SGI's webinars on Bodhissatvas For The Earth

Leytonstone What Can You Do? Sheet

Hackney What Can You Do? Sheet

UK What Can You Do? Sheet

Guided Session Cards for A Mother's Voice.pdf Guided Session Cards for A Mother's Voice.pdf
Size : 12405.3 Kb
Type : pdf

Margot -Character Inspiration

The character of Margot was inspired by Sheila Heal - a Bletchley Park code breaker and Lily's son's great grand mother. Sheila kindly shared her memories with Lily and Harry, and let Harry play with her medals,a week before she died, at the age of 94. 

More information on Bletchley Park and the Code Breakers work


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